Complex power
Power in an electric circuit is the rate of flow of energy past a given point of the circuit. The formula for complex power (units: VA) in phasor form is: S = V I . Exponentiation Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden Gå til Powers of negative one. For a similar discussion of powers of the complex number i, see § Powers of complex numbers. Maximum_power_transfer_theorem Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden In electrical engineering, the maximum power transfer theorem states that, to obtain maximum. Gå til Power engineering - In physics and engineering, a phasor is a complex number representing a sinusoidal function whose amplitude (A), angular . Fusion power is a theoretical form of power generation in which energy will be generated by using nuclear fusion reactions to produce heat for electricity . Exponential_function Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden Gå til Complex plane - The most common definition of the complex exponential function parallels the power series definition...